Final ranking
Competitive level
- Raballder Oslo Reds
- HARS Team NL
- Raballder Oslo Whites
- Raballder Oslo Blues
- Team Gold Boys
- Metalpigerne
- OUTsiders
- Team Hungary
Recreational level
- Raballder Oslo Oranges
- Roucoulettes
- Team Munchen
- Copenhagen Boys
- Vorspiel Berlin
- Gmadrid
Here are links to all the match results and tables:
Express league 1
Express league 2
Group stage, Recreational level
Group stage, Competitive level Group 1
Group stage, Competitive level Group 2
Placement matches, Recreational level
Finals, Competitive level
Placement matches, Competitive level
You may also download the full match schedule.
The championship was played in the following format:
- First phase: Express League
The teams are divided in two groups of 7 teams who played each other in two leagues in short, 7 minute matches. - Second phase: Group stage
The results from the express league gave a ranking, where the four top teams from each league proceeded to competitive level which was be played in 2 groups of 4 teams. The three lower ranked teams in each express league proceeded to recreational level where they all played each other in a group of 6 teams. Group stage matches had two halves of 12 minutes. - Third phase: Knock-out
The results from the group stage decided who played each other in the knock-out stage. On recreational level, the teams proceeded directly to placement matches. On competitive level, the teams proceeded to quarter finals, semi finals and then finals/placement matches. These matches had two halves of 12 minutes.
We ended up with 2 finals: One for the lower ranked teams (B-final), and one for the highest ranked teams (A-final).