Final ranking

Competitive level

  1. Raballder Oslo Reds
  2. HARS Team NL
  3. Raballder Oslo Whites
  4. Raballder Oslo Blues
  5. Team Gold Boys
  6. Metalpigerne
  7. OUTsiders
  8. Team Hungary

Recreational level

  1. Raballder Oslo Oranges
  2. Roucoulettes
  3. Team Munchen
  4. Copenhagen Boys
  5. Vorspiel Berlin
  6. Gmadrid

Here are links to all the match results and tables:

Express league 1

Express league 2

Group stage, Recreational level

Group stage, Competitive level Group 1

Group stage, Competitive level Group 2

Placement matches, Recreational level

Finals, Competitive level

Placement matches, Competitive level

You may also download the full match schedule.


The championship was played in the following format:

  • First phase: Express League
    The teams are divided in two groups of 7 teams who played each other in two leagues in short, 7 minute matches.
  • Second phase: Group stage
    The results from the express league gave a ranking, where the four top teams from each league proceeded to competitive level which was be played in 2 groups of 4 teams. The three lower ranked teams in each express league proceeded to recreational level where they all played each other in a group of 6 teams. Group stage matches had two halves of 12 minutes.
  • Third phase: Knock-out
    The results from the group stage decided who played each other in the knock-out stage. On recreational level, the teams proceeded directly to placement matches. On competitive level, the teams proceeded to quarter finals, semi finals and then finals/placement matches. These matches had two halves of 12 minutes.

We ended up with 2 finals: One for the lower ranked teams (B-final), and one for the highest ranked teams (A-final).